multilingual skills



Multilingual skills brush-up


Our multilingual skills refresher courses are designed to revitalise and expand existing language combinations of multilingual persons working in such fields as translation, interpreting, international sales, conferencing, customer services etc. Language is not static, it is a living, breathing entity which is constantly evolving. Our multilingual refresher courses try to mirror this by affording participants an opportunity to reexam and refresh aspects of an individual language and the interaction of that language with other language sets. The modular nature of the language learning platform means the focus is always on the most important aspects of each language for the individual user. These can range from specific vocabuaries to pronunciation to subtle nuances. Areas of focus include:


• Vocabulary review and enhancement

• Translation

• Pronunciation and nuance

• Presentation

• Structure and style

• Skills assessment and review


Whether you wish to refresh your existing language skills or you would like to develop new language skills, we can offer you a challanging and rewarding course. Contact us today for a free evaluation and consultation.